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*(includes membership + monthly PT pack)


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  • Haidar boasts 10 years of experience within the Health and Fitness sector helping to educate Personal Training teams to deliver the best level of service to clients possible.

    His practical application has led to the creation of an adaptive approach to personal training where the style implemented is dictated by your needs.

    Whether you are looking to improve your general fitness/health levels, drop a dress size, increase muscle mass or create a full body transformation then Haidar will be able to lay the foundations and guide you toward achieving your goals.


    Qualified Personal Trainer

    Precision Nutrition Lvl 1

    Poliquin Biosignature

    Kettlebell Instructor

    TRX certified instructor

  • Jess is a fully certified Personal Trainer who helps men and women to lose body fat, build muscle and create healthy, long-term results. This comes from her own transformation where she lost a significant amount of weight, and then, after falling in love with fitness, decided to pursue her passion for helping others achieve their goals.

    Jess knows what it feels like to have no confidence and to not be happy with yourself. Which is why she decided to pursue a career in helping others look and feel their best. If you want her to be your personal trainer and get you the results you've been dreaming of feel free to get in touch. She’d love to hear from you!

    If you want to become a stronger, fitter, and more empowered version of yourself, why wait


    Personal Trainer Level 3

  • Sam has always been involved in the sport, health, and fitness industry, both as an athlete and as a coach. With nearly 8 years of experience as a qualified personal trainer, he has helped a variety of clients achieve their results, and from his Strength & Conditioning degree is also able to offer coaching and knowledge within specialized areas of training.

    To achieve guaranteed results and hit your targets, Sam uses an evidence-based approach to training and dieting blended with his own experience and expertise, while ensuring that your health and well-being remain at the heart of the programming, for you to not only be stronger but both physically and mentally but to help build fun and sustainable fitness journey.

    Whether you’re looking to reduce body fat, build muscle, or train for a special event, Sam can offer his expertise and knowledge and be the personal trainer for you. For more information get in touch at or sit down with Sam in the Retrofit Cafe for a drink and a chat.


    BSc Strength & Conditioning Science

    Level 3 Personal Trainer

    EXOS Advance Strength and Power

    ALTIS Need for Speed

    ALTIS Performance Therapy

  • Laura is a Personal Trainer and ex-bodybuilder athlete who has a lot of experience regarding muscle hypertrophy, fat loss, and strength.

    Laura has been practicing Muay-Thai and Boxing for the past 10 years and likes to combine gym and martial arts with many of her clients to help them achieve their goals and bring a different approach to their daily training.

    Laura’s passion is to help people and show them that being healthy and fit doesn’t have to be complicated and that results come through discipline and determination.

    If you are struggling to achieve your goals, Laura is the right person to help on your way.


    Personal Trainer level 2 and level 3

    Certified Nutrition Specialist through NASM

    Certified Weight Loss Specialist through NASM

  • Hannah is a certified personal trainer with a passion for functional training, which aims to increase your mobility and strength. Her main focus is on building a workout routine that will help you to not only achieve, but also retain your goals. With a love for various disciplines such as tennis, skiing, and athletics, Hannah wants to share her love for movement and an active lifestyle.

    Due to her Psychology degree she knows the beneficial impact of sports on overall health. Therefore, Hannah has a holistic approach when working with you, trying to understand your goals in order to motivate you best.


    Level 2 Fitness Instructor

    Level 3 Personal Trainer

  • Personal Trainer / Professional Fighter

    I have completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Activity, Health and Recreation Fields at The Sports University of Tirana/Albania. I’am a professional coach/fighter well known in the boxing world in the UK and internationally.

    I believe my education background, my experience as a sportsperson for 17 years and my qualifications in this industry enable me to make a strong contribution and help people as a Personal Trainer/ Coach and Nutritionist.


    • Level 3 Qualification Ereps

    • Bachelor in Physical Activity, Health and Recreation Fields Tirana, Albania

    • Certified by Italian Boxing Federation 2021 / Federal Technician Boxing-Coach

    • Certified by Albanian Boxing Federation 2019 / National Boxing-Coach

  • I am a Level 4 Strength and Conditioning coach with over a decade of experience in the fitness industry. Growing my knowledge and expertise through experienced, hands-on training.

    I thoroughly enjoy coaching people one to one. I have consistently helped clients attain their goals whether it be fat loss, muscle and strength increase, or pain reduction (and in some cases eradicated entirely). I have a particular passion for rehabilitation, mobility, and posture.

    Using practical assessments to understand the movement and the mechanics of the person standing in front of me. Then building a bespoke plan based on the outcome of these assessments with real-world application of strength and conditioning.

    I have a lot of experience teaching classes such as Kettlebells, TRX, HIIT, MetCon, and many more.


    Strength & Conditioning

    Qualified Personal Trainer

    Precision Nutrition Lvl 1

    Kettlebell Instructor

    TRX certified instructor

  • Yash is a fully qualified Personal Trainer who has been working in the fitness industry for the last 3 years within luxury gyms in London. He specialises in fat loss and improving body composition, and has delivered exceptional results with many clients in changing their physiques.


    L3 Personal Training Diploma

    CAWS-Long COVID Rehabilitation

  • With over 19 years of experience in the fitness industry Filiz has a proven track record in helping clients achieve aesthetic goals, enhance functionality and an overall quality of life. Her passion lies in assisting people to become the best version of themselves while enjoying the process.


    Masters Degree - Physical Education, Prevention of Obesity.

    Bachelor’s Degree, Sports & Exercise Science.

    Exercise Referral Trainer for Injury & Illnesses

    Reps level 4 Personal Trainer - Diabetes & Obesity